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Posts in: MB 2020 11

Day 17.

Doubling up as a record for the day AND using all 17 words to date in reverse order.


I need to train my memory so I don’t get too far behind these daily Microblogvember posts, but also not to far ahead - because that would be spooky and I guess the judge probably wouldn’t wear it - what say you @macgenie ? or do the elderly get a free pass - no pressure, no force, just asking, because I don’t want to put you in a bind if you have to inflate the stats - I mean that would just be too puzzling, besides I don’t want to stoop that low in trying to make this work, I mean I am near - but so far its nothing that might astonish you because it’s hard to concentrate and this is the most exciting thing I’ve written today … I am that dreary.


See The Series

Day 15.

My memory falls back to a guess as what to wear for a ‘far out’ spooky party

See The Series

Day 16.

My memory falls back to a guess as what to wear for a ‘far out’ spooky party

See The Series

Day 13.

My memory falls back to a guess as what to wear for a ‘far out’ spooky party

See The Series

Day 14.

My memory falls back to a guess as what to wear for a ‘far out’ spooky party

See The Series

Day 12.

My memory falls back to a guess as what to wear for a ‘far out’ spooky party

See The Series

Day 10.

The elderly say that youth is wasted on the young.

See The Series

Day 11.

The youth say nothing … because they don’t hear the elderly.

See The Series

Day 7.

If you were to infiltrate - wouldn’t that inflate the force?

See The Series

Day 8.

I’m in a bind … why inflate?

See The Series