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Posts in: MyFilmReviews

Yes, or is it no โ€ฆ not sure. I wanted to love it. But I couldnโ€™t. Except sometimes. You can see that Iโ€™m a bit undecided. Thatโ€™s not going to change.

Oh - and Idris.

I liked Chevy's all those years ago and Mr Hamm did a good job and to the spirit. Put it in the queue - it might appeal one day.

I love Bill Nighy - so I couldnโ€™t give it 3 1/2 (except I could). Not a bad movie by any means - although Bill does seem to have one character that appears in many disparate movies. Itโ€™s 13 years old - no idea how I missed it when it came out - except maybe because it is missable? Only for the ardent Nighy fan.

Solid Idris - which somehow I missed at the time.

I watched it because of Matthew McConaughey - and he played his part.


PS (Not a loser at all - but 3 1/2 from me for McConaughey is not a good score.

It's fashionable to knock it, but I won't. Solid. A splendid cast and really what's not to love? .. other than it is a bit n 'Lala Land' - but heh - itโ€™s a Christmas movie.

Watching the spin off show recently reminded me that I hadn't reviewed this - which I watched only this past Christmas. I like most of Ritchie's movies - this was no exception. I like most McConaughey work - this was no exception. And - DEFINITELY better than the spin off series.

One of those 'little' movies that just hits the spot and then there is 'Bill' - so really, what is not to love.

Turns out there is a soccer competition for Homeless people around the world - and this release sees to be synched with the first annual competiton since before COVID. (If I read right.)

Yeah. No โ€ฆ unless you have nothing better to do.

Massive fan of Guy Ritchie. This is not your usual Guy Ritchie. Do not miss it. Wonderful.