@bradbarrish this is only Trump 2
@amerpie can they arrest the rest of the world?
FFS .. even The information …
@crossingthethreshold a goody for sure.
@manton if it’s only for the next two then I will be very happy 😉
@jays hmm - i have been resisting watching Severance until they had all dropped - and now they have - I still haven't - but that didn’t stop me going off to find the show to understand what you meant. (Given that Storm and his team worked primarily (as far as I am aware) in stills. #Intrigued.
As I said - beyond my technical competence ... @Manton has reservations - and from the few comments so far - so do others. BUT ... but if not this then what?
I don’t believe we have an option to sit and do nothing to ensure the sanctity of 'our' web. And doing nothing is in my mind 🖇️ the tech web equivalent of what is going on with the Democratic Party.
The Rules have changed. We might not like it - but they have. So no point in playing the old game.
So let’s start creating the new.
@manton - any reason why my post summary isn't in the Micro.Blog timeline ?
Well - that Wordland post didn’t work. Investigation in time - but maybe it is because 'featured image' doesn’t travel through RSS?
@hawaiiboy Thiel is the one that groomed Vance - and yes both Paypal Mafia - but definitely not friends