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💬 John Philpin

A Public Journal

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You can ‘charge like a bull’. Me, I like to ‘charge like a bandit’.

😂 … words from the lips of my friend John.

So let it out and let it in, hey Jude, begin,
You’re waiting for someone to perform with.
And don’t you know that it’s just you, hey Jude, you’ll do,
The movement you need is on your shoulder.

Thank you for the reminder John.

I’m sorry he’s gone. But that is not what this is about.

It’s that phrase … ‘the UK version’

WTF … I never watch the show - not my cup of tea - but I do get pissed off about things like this. Original things do happen outside of the U.S.A..

The X Factor is a UK show. It ran from 2004 to 2018

🔗 It actually has several versions throughout the world. - that are all franchises of Cowell’s original show.

The US show started 7 years after the UK show started .. in 2011, lasting 3 seasons. It - like all the other shows around the globe .. were licensed courtesy of Cowell.

Better phrasing?

first formed in 2010 after each member appeared on the original X factor (reality competition show) in the UK.

The really sad thing about this posts is that I am writing it at all and then finding myself standing up for Cowell’s show which was essentially a latter day [🔗’Opportunity Knocks’]( 🤯

You know that’s he’s just building up for his next defence. Right?

Searching my site for something totally different and it found 🖇️ this joke post - one of those things that used to circulate the wires. It is seventeen years old. It’s funny - though the names are definitely from a moment in history. The fourth one down caught my eye …

The chicken did not cross the road. This is a complete fabrication. We do not even have a chicken.

Comical Ali (Ali G) is of course the Sacha Baron Cohen creation from before Borat …

Fake News in a comedian’s kitbag 17 years ago.

This shit has been going on for too long.

Corruption at the highest levels of British Sport … A Steel Conker no less.

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