It started well … it went on fine .. until the last 15 minutes. Queued up for a sequel .. but I don’t think so.
It started well … it went on fine .. until the last 15 minutes. Queued up for a sequel .. but I don’t think so.
Over on LinkedIN .. 🔗 The downfall of Soho House.
Turns out that SH is in the ‘dodo’. Personally not surprised. Never a member - often as a guest back in the day - but more recently as I noticed that ‘everyone was a member’, I felt something was up - but too many other rabbit holes to dive into.
Back in the day it was a wonderful place. Seems to me that it fails for similar reasons that exclusive fine dining restaurants and this ‘boutique wineries’ ultimately fail .. you can’t scale exclusivity.
‘But what about Patek Philippe Watches and Hermes bags’ I hear you cry. ‘Different’ I reply. Product - not service. You can manage the demand. For example - there are Hermes bags for sale that you can’t buy - even if you can afford one.
Anyway - back to Soho. This came to mind.
That’s why it was predictable.
A little over a week ago - I threw out 🖇️ this little billy do onto my blog and thought nothing of it. To save you the click through I was just pointing out some internet speeds I was experiencing - …
When I read Scott Brinker (ChiefMartec) I generally feel that our thinking is aligned, but his images often seem to be designed to create fear and creating a speech bubble above my head that reads …
The summary should make its way to my BlueMastoThread world.
The phrase “Lorem ipsum” is a jumbled Latin phrase that cannot be translated into English.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius sollicitudin consequat. Etiam cursus blandit nisl accumsan fermentum. Phasellus faucibus velit non porttitor tincidunt. Ut quis erat ac nibh auctor tempus. Sed a metus sed dui pulvinar dapibus pulvinar et nisl. Sed consectetur, magna sit amet vestibulum dapibus, augue orci dignissim nulla, nec interdum ligula nibh at dui. In in dolor sit amet urna tempor pulvinar. In ut odio et ligula faucibus placerat. Proin pulvinar ex et sagittis molestie. Vestibulum dignissim faucibus diam, quis lacinia lacus mollis et. In fermentum ex quis consectetur semper. Nullam ut metus quam. Suspendisse potenti.
Collections is a new feature on that allows images to be grouped together in … wait for it … ‘Collections’!
It’s a cool extension, but I wanted to feature collections in related posts which gave me problems if I used the recommended CSS. (Problem, because 20 images in a collection resulted in those 20 images appearing at the bottom of all the posts that featured the collection which I felt was overwhelming. Not anymore.
My real desire was to feature them on each post on my blog as a scroll (like on the micro/blog timeline. (The default was to lay them all out on a grid - which resulted in the post being overtaken with a lot of old images). Nothing in the standard CSS allowed for that.
My short term fix was to have a link on a post to a page, 🖇️ like this.
BUT - let’s face it - a kluge.
Just cracked the entire problem in less time than it has taken for me to write this post.
First Time.
See what I mean :
Next job … Have the scroll sometimes display square images - and sometimes landscape / portrait.
I know. Cheating!
.. I know it looks like one - but it isn’t. I am just experimenting - move along now and sincere apologies if I distracted you.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius sollicitudin consequat. Etiam cursus blandit nisl accumsan fermentum. Phasellus faucibus velit non porttitor tincidunt. Ut quis erat ac nibh auctor tempus. Sed a metus sed dui pulvinar dapibus pulvinar et nisl. Sed consectetur, magna sit amet vestibulum dapibus, augue orci dignissim nulla, nec interdum ligula nibh at dui. In in dolor sit amet urna tempor pulvinar. In ut odio et ligula faucibus placerat. Proin pulvinar ex et sagittis molestie. Vestibulum dignissim faucibus diam, quis lacinia lacus mollis et. In fermentum ex quis consectetur semper. Nullam ut metus quam. Suspendisse potenti.
I went because some friends recommended it. What a pile of drivel.