Over on LinkedIN .. 🔗 The downfall of Soho House.
Turns out that SH is in the ‘dodo’. Personally not surprised. Never a member - often as a guest back in the day - but more recently as I noticed that ‘everyone was a member’, I felt something was up - but too many other rabbit holes to dive into.
Back in the day it was a wonderful place. Seems to me that it fails for similar reasons that exclusive fine dining restaurants and this ‘boutique wineries’ ultimately fail .. you can’t scale exclusivity.
‘But what about Patek Philippe Watches and Hermes bags’ I hear you cry. ‘Different’ I reply. Product - not service. You can manage the demand. For example - there are Hermes bags for sale that you can’t buy - even if you can afford one.
Anyway - back to Soho. This came to mind.
That’s why it was predictable.