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Posts in: Gaping Void




More Gaping Void at John.Philpin

I know what he means.


I have to say in terms of applying this idea to the past few months of my life (more of this once the Rubicon is crossed) - I would make one change … ONLY Superpower.

A different way to look at it.

It’s a shame isn’t it.

The Hard Part Was Knowing What Business We Were Actually In.

Another Gaping Void nails it. Full piece here, though they don’t use the phrase 'business bifurcation'.

For a long time, it has been clear that business is bifurcating. The two models are …

It's arguably too true to be funny, but not why I am sharing. Rather because in the accompanying post (here), reference is made to a post by Ribbon Farm's Venkatesh Rao. (This post specifically.) …

The harder I work, the sooner I get to be king! the harder he works, the longer I get to be king!

Chess is a metaphor. It is a complex game of strategy and execution. The game provides a useful …

Personally, I have zero interest in things going back to normal - preferring to work out how to create a new normal - sadly, I’m not feeling it at the moment.


This week’ newsletter : ’A’ Future - Not ‘The’ Future

”‘Expect the unexpected’ says the social media meme. When it happened. We froze.”

I seem to be on the same track as @GapingVoid

Now you just need to recognize that it is your future. Nobody else’s. YOURS.