People keep on talking about ‘the felon’ … and I keep reading ‘elon’ can’t wait to read more about
People keep on talking about ‘the felon’ … and I keep reading ‘elon’ can’t wait to read more about
Somewhere there were a couple of complaints about the back arrow (top left) in the iOS app needing adjustment. @manton mentioned he had made changes which may have caused the problem. Adding myself to the ‘can we fix it please list’ .. particularly bad on the iPad mini.
Finally cracked the big yellow header at the top of my blog that ‘randomly appeared’ about a month ago. Turns out that uninstalling the ‘holiday lights’ wasn’t sufficient - I needed to also delete row after row of ‘invisible bullets’. #Fixed.
Been a while since I posted any film reviews.
I’ve settled on the correct spelling
Do I care? No. Not at all.
The fact that there is a Democrat voting against a t-Rump surrogate should not be news.
I am thinking that it might be time to bid farewell to Hitchens and move on to a new theme. Sorely tempted by a theme that isn’t even out there yet!
You know what I’m talking about @mtt
So that’s 25% on 🌯 🥑 🌶️ 🍹 🥃 🫔 🌮 🪅 and that’s just 🇲🇽
🎈184/366 Dear Joe .. you have absolute immunity.