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Posts in: MyFilmReferences

🔗 Scripting News: Monday, March 24, 2025

Peter O’Toole starred in 🔗🎬The Ruling Class, a favorite when I was younger. The 🎵📼 last song in the movie is pretty freaking great.

💬 Dave Winer

I agree with Dave - ‘The Ruling Class’ was a good movie (not great - but good). ‘Favorite’? Not so sure, definitely not ‘in general- since it was pretty much panned at the time only time turning it into what we now call a ‘cult classic’. (But do watch the song - it has all the expected cheesiness of its time!)

Four years earlier was 🔗🎬 If - now THAT was a film and arguably did for McDowell what Layer Cake did for Craig.

🎬 Cordelia Cupp is my new hero. Absolutely F A N T A S T I C stuff.

The writer Paul William Davies is masterfully channeling David Hare’s ‘rapid exchange’ in the dialogue and Uzo Aduba is brilliant in the role.

I have only watched episode 1 - but I am IN!

🎬 I thought that was a typo for a minute there .. but no … #OnTheList

🔗 📼 A Minecraft Movie | Official Trailer

No plans to see it - but was reminded that around 15 months ago we were looking for a place to live in Auckland and everywhere we tried was gone before we got there - apparently three movies were in town filming (end of 2023) - but the biggest ‘secret’ was a ‘Moma film about a video game’. And here we are 18 months later …

🖇️ Re this - fixed. It seems that I am definitely am all over the place on movie watching.

Been a while since I posted any film reviews.

Now, at the age of 94, Clint’s career is finally winding down towards its end …

A random quote I just stumbled across … replace 94 with 84 - and the quote would still have been valid ten years ago

Since then he’s directed 8 films including Jersey Boys, American Sniper and Sully …

Maybe he’ll see 104?

I’ll come back to this later. Lefsetz has already connected some dots .. but he didn’t go on and introduce the lurking ‘hobby’ that ‘solves this’ and is a clear and present danger to the entertainment industry if they continue to focus on BAU.

The last paragraph.

🎈147/366 I’m enjoying it but I’m feeling that the pitch was Sliding Doors meets Doctor Who.

I watched a lovely little movie last night - fresh out on Netflix with Bill Nighy in the lead role.

On Netflix

Great movie? Not at all. Just one of those lovely little movies that I happen to enjoy - …