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Posts in: MyFilmReviews

To be fair, the ‘other viewer’ gave it 3 stars - but whichever way you look at it - dud.

Count me in the camps of

- ‘definitely not a Will Ferrell fan’
- ‘definitely a massive Ryan Reynolds fan’

I didn’t know the director, so looked up his prior work. Now I understand.

It was alright, but 3 stars is not a recommendation.

Probably a script that Liam rejected? It was ok - but we know how these movies pan out don't we? The clue is definitely in the title.

**GREAT** movie. French Farce on a fast moving train, channeling Quentin Tarantino (with more humor and not quite as much violence) and Guy Ritchie ... directed by David Leitch - who according to IMDB is a producer, director, actor, stunt performer AND coordinator ... with John Wick, Hobbs and Shaw and Deadpool2 (which MIGHT explain a 2 second cameo by Ryan Reynolds) in his 'canon'.

Not my choice to watch - but watch I did. Yeah ... no.

Alright. Not great.

I know that there are only 7 stories in the world. My question is why is this the one that keeps getting told - and then badly. In fairness, I got to the end, so it wasn't a total dud, but if you want to watch this story sometime, choose a different movie.

Sly, Liam, Bruce, Gerard, Dwayne et al … meet Bob. Loved it.

Probably one of those times where the film could never live up to the expectations … and yes it’s taken me 15 years to watch it! It was ok .. but for me the best part was the dance on the station platform at the end!

Totally unexpected delightful movie.