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Cathedrals are places designed to show their creator’s opulence and power, but they’re also designed to alter our senses, to throw us into alternate worlds, so that they can open us our …

🔗 When the city told him to hide his boat, he complied — sort of - The Times of London - sorry 🍎 📰 - just couldn’t resist. A fine example of creativity besting bureaucracy.

🔗 Obsidian derives its name from the shards of obsidian discovered in our vineyard during its initial planting. This unique volcanic glass, not native to Waiheke, was brought from Mayor Island by Māori tribes living in Onetangi. The obsidian was highly valued … by the native Māori for tools.

🔗 Simplified - though still a WIP.

Read 🔗 Bob Lefsetz today - with this 🔗URL at the very top of his post. Nice piece. On the click through you see this.

Different chap I know - but I wonder if anyone else has remarked on it.

To catch you up, you might have missed 🔗 📼 this video .. you can see it at the bottom of the page.

When I first saw it, I liked the visual effect - but really - not the message. As I wrote over on 🔗 …

📺 A Man In Full

It was only when I got to the end that I discovered it was a series that emerged from a Tom Wolfe novel. This is no ‘Bonfire’ though. Jeff did a good job - but really, not much of a story. The only surprise was the ending. No spoilers - but it wasn’t what I expected - but now you know it is Wolfe - maybe it will be?

A Man In Full on 🔗 Reelgood

’All’ My TV Show Reviews



🎈129/366 Siri For MidWesterners 😂

🔗📼 Enjoy. … via Chris Lockhead.

🔗 Protests, Then and Now

I highlighted too much to even start to choose a great quote. Just read the article .. talking the ‘differalities’ of the 60s to today. Written by a 75 year old Vietnam vet who was awarded the a Purple Heart and came back and joined the peace movement.

I think 📚Victim by Andrew Boryga might be ‘next’ having just read 🔗 Bob’s post