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On a business call this morning, we took a sidetrack down the path of ‘the problem with flying’. Flanders and Swann were mentioned - and specifically the ‘bit’ they did about excess baggage. I know their stuff - this one didn’t ring a bell.

🔗 Just found it

😂 Fell on the floor laughing.

💬 🔗 Bob nails it

Lefsetz and Gioia have deep music backgrounds, but I often find that their writing about other things often resonates with me far more than the people that should be pointing things like this out.

🔗 How very very sad this is.

Joy killers.

(Gaping Void on LinkedIN)

My Substack went a little bit quiet in 2023. For good reasons IMHO.

I am firing it up again. If you want to take a read 🔗 you can.

It’s a little bit more personal than usual - which I have been told is a good thing. If you vlick through - hope you like.

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and the winner is

’And The Winner Is' By 'Leonardo'

This 366 project is officially one month in, so I thought I’d take a look at how we are doing on the ‘view’ front .. I …

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The future of watching a movie using a headset

’The future of watching a movie using a headset' By 'Leonardo'

So it is out in wild and the reviews are in … and this is not another ‘one of those’.

‘My man’ Om …

🔗 People that know Fripp talking about Fripp and the King Crimson Movie

These kind of comments add up to so much more than a lot of rubbish you read from people that only have opinion.

🖇️ As I wrote;

🔗 Pakistani military use age-old tactics to keep Imran Khan away from election.

Any pretence of due judicial process being followed was abandoned entirely at both cases where Khan was sentenced this week. Instead of an open courtroom, the trials were conducted inside the jail where Khan is being detained and his lawyers were not allowed to choose or cross-examine any witnesses.

🔗Elon Musk’s $56bn Tesla pay package is too much, judge rules.

A line in the sand has been drawn.

That said - not quite where the 🖇️‘limitareanists think it should be drawn.

But it is a start.

Listening to Ingrid Robeyns talking to Sean Illing about ‘limitar(ian)ism’ - nice counterpoint to the ‘me centric’ alternative.


Finished Listening. The Episode was called The case for banning millionaires - a very good case was made.

Listen to it yourself on 🔗 🎙️ VoxMedia