This is about ‘that’ Andreesen post/ But first … context, because I know - life has moved on.
I am in the process of trying to catch up on a massive backlog of notes that I am steadily
Not sure if this will end up taking longer than the 🖇️ category deletion. We will see.
This one is in the third category. The news has been and gone now - but my opinion hasn’t changed.
Some of you might have stumbled across Andreesen’s Substack :
🔗 Why AI Will Save The World
TL;DR .. who cares.
Despite what he wrote, he’s wrong … not least of which being that word ‘world’ .. it will be fine - regardless of what Marc thinks. People? Yeah - that’s different. Anyway …
What you might NOT have stumbled across are these;
🔗 Alan Jacobs (pdf)
🔗 Wired : Marc Andreessen is (mostly) Wrong this time