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Posts in: MyLinks

🔗 Fossil Is Quitting Smartwatches

Wait, What?

If they quit Smartwatches - don’t they just stop doing business?

🔗 Apparently not

TIL that Fossil offer a vast range of fashion accessories that I knew nothing about.

Next question.

I noticed this

Fossil Watch

… which got me to thinking. Do Fossil need that partnership any longer now that Mickey is out of copyright? Wouldn’t they make more money?

🔗 Where Logos Meet Album Covers: Designer Ivan Chermayeff

Its a Substack about a designer of iconic logos that turned his hand to (not so iconic) album covers.

I like some of them - but probably not iconic because the artists of the albums aren’t as big as the corporates either the logos.

🔗 Man who stole and leaked Trump tax records sentenced to 5 years in prison (Apple News)

If it is 5 years for this and 4 months for Navarro;

1] are the punishments commensurate?

2] If so what the likely total sentence time will be for the Orange clown?

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A lot of links on a page

’A lot of links on a page' By 'Leonardo'

Still battling with my ‘in process’ (I am being generous) archive that 🖇️ I referenced here. Tucked away I had literally …

🔗 Still struggling with emojis on my site - (The link takes you to a quick conversation with ChatGPT).

Most of them render correctly - but odd ones don’t … like this one for example : ❓

In my book that should be red?

🔗 The True Blue Ocean – ProjectVRM (2020 - I know - another old one!)

To understand the problem here, it helps to hear marketing talk to itself. Customers, it says, are targets to herd on a journey into a funnel through which they are acquired, managed, controlled and locked in.

This is the language of ranching and slavery. Not a way to talk about human beings.

Four years later nothing has changed.

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You Can’t Handle The Truth

’You Can’t Handle The Truth' By .. well, who do you think it is?

Don’t worry - this isn’t what you think it is.

If you are married or single, a writer or …

Another old note, that deserves to see the light of day. I have 🖇️ written before on my position (a fan - not a fanboy), still …

The Masses:

“Apple hasn’t produced anything new since the …

This is about ‘that’ Andreesen post/ But first … context, because I know - life has moved on.

I am in the process of trying to catch up on a massive backlog of notes that I am steadily

Not sure if this will end up taking longer than the 🖇️ category deletion. We will see.

This one is in the third category. The news has been and gone now - but my opinion hasn’t changed.

Some of you might have stumbled across Andreesen’s Substack :

🔗 Why AI Will Save The World

TL;DR .. who cares.

Despite what he wrote, he’s wrong … not least of which being that word ‘world’ .. it will be fine - regardless of what Marc thinks. People? Yeah - that’s different. Anyway …

What you might NOT have stumbled across are these;

🔗 Alan Jacobs (pdf)

🔗 Wired : Marc Andreessen is (mostly) Wrong this time

Just read that …

Hilton, together with 🔗 11:11 (Paris Hilton’s agency) launched a Roblox experience where players can earn 🔗 real-world travel rewards

.. and in all honesty I really do not care, except to say that in case you ever have any doubt … it really is a case of it’s not what you know - but who you know.