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Posts in: MyMusic

🔗 🎙️ 🎵 A Music Podcast Unlike Any Other - The New Yorker

The New Yorker writing about one of the best music podcasts ever by Andrew Hickey.

I’ve posted about the podcast before - it is absolutely incredible. A tour de force - but apparently that wasn’t enough for Hickey because …

The only background necessary to grasp a bit of Hickey is his bibliography: he has completed a guide to the first fifty years of “Doctor Who”; a book about “The Strange World of Gurney Slade” (a surreal comedy series that ran for six episodes on ITV in 1960); histories of the Monkees, the Kinks, and Los Angeles pop music of the nineteen-sixties; an “unauthorised guide” to a comic-book series called “Seven Soldiers of Victory”; and a three-volume catalogue of every track the Beach Boys have recorded.

PostScript - I discovered the podcast via @dave who was waxing lyrical about it a while back.

That whole thing about your biggest ever regret being what you didn’t do? I have this nagging feeling that it is actually a variation on that old classic 🎵 📼 ’the other man’s grass is always greener’

📼 🎵 Mother (with Sinéad O’Connor) - Roger Waters - The Wall (1990)

📼 🎵 Introducing The Dark Side Of The Moon Redux.

🎵 Spotted in a store yesterday … reminding me of the permanent loan of my vinyl collection to a friend in the UK.

📼 🎵Watching this made me realize that I will need to get this when it comes out in October.

Stunning. 50 Years Later … REIMAGINED.

🎵 Art For Art’s Sake (?)

Nantucket Sleighride by Mountain - Album Cover

🎵 Nantucket Sleighride by Mountain is a massively important album to yours truly - part of my formative years if you will.

TIL what a 🔗 Nantucket Sleighride actually is …. thanks to the 🎙️Freakonomics podcast


🎵 Listened to a 🎙️podcast featuring Simon Armitage. I did not know he had a band. … LYR. During the podcast there was discussion about why the band is not called ‘Land Yacht Regatta’ - and if not that - why not L.Y.R. ?

He wasn’t really sure - Label decisions he said … but I think I know.

L.Y.R. - not my cup of tea at all - that I jumped over to listen to is definitely a very different band to LYR - a band that is very much my cup of tea.

🎵 Song Of The Day : JW

… and no you didn’t miss my other ‘Song Of The Day’ posts. This is my first,