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📸 230926 🖇️ #MBSept

Beverage line 1 - where ‘Establishment 1’ could teach ‘Establishment 2’ a thing or two about attracting a crowd.

Beverage line 2 - where ‘Establishment 2’ could teach ‘Establishment 1’ a thing or two about providing a relaxed environment.

There’s always a balance!

Bonus? The word ‘beverage’ appears in both photographs.

📸 I say it’s a heart.

📸 230925 🖇️ #MBSept

We learn about flares very early.

📸 230924🖇️ #MBSept

Maybe the most famous belt to certain aficionados?

📸 230923🖇️ #MBSept

With Champagne you could have not just ‘a day in a life’ … but more importantly ‘a life in a day’.

📸 230922🖇️ #MBSept

This is ‘The Road to Hana’ … just not the one that everyone else travels on … maybe because a different part of it is ‘giving way to the Ocean’?

📸 230921🖇️ #MBSept

Did the Elephant fall in .. or is it climbing out?

📸 230920🖇️ #MBSept

Disruption isn’t new. Disruption isn’t always about Silicon Valley. Disruption isn’t ’American’. Imagine the disruption to people’s lives in the tiny hamlet of Akaroa when this was installed in 1901.

📸 230919🖇️ #MBSept

Looking down on the edge of the world.

📸 230918🖇️ #MBSept

You might not think of wine as fabric, but with the right wine in the right hands, it can be just that … if not the very foundation of ‘good society’. Clearly the French agree. You just have to read the label.