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Posts in: MyPhotographs

📸 230903 🖇️ #MBSept

There is nothing more precious

There is nothing more precious than children.

📸 230902 🖇️ #MBSept

At an Unconference buildup is the process of assembling the agenda.

At an Unconference **buildup** is the process of assembling the agenda.

📸 230901 🖇️ #MBSept

An extract of some abstract wallpaper.

An extract of some **abstract** wallpaper.

📸 Joe and Marilyn’s old place

📸 Elvis’ old place

📸 Dean’s old place

… I think Dean’s old place needs a little love 🫤

🍹 ‘Bars Of The World’ - a series.


This is actually the first time that tropical storm watches have been issued on the West Coast of the United States," said Elizabeth Adams, a meteorologist for the National Weather Service in San Diego. Typically, when a tropical storm makes its way to the southwestern U.S., it has severely dissipated, weakening to a depression or storm remnants, she said.
But not this time.

Hang onto your hats. In all senses of the expression.

It’s a start …


🍹 ‘Bars Of The World’ - a series.


📸 The shoes are even cooler than the tag line in every box ….

🍹 ‘Bars Of The World’ - a series.
