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Posts in: MyPhotographs



Wind Art … up in Oregon last year and in one of the wineries, came across the work of Bruce Potter (pictured)

But this is wind art at an altogether other level.

I dropped into one of my favorite Indian’s last night and in the order requested a Kingfisher.

”Oh, so sorry, only Taj Mahal, Kingfisher no longer …”

The ensuing conversation led to some rapid googling.

How did I miss this.

I thought I’d been recently enjoying Kingfisher.

Tony wanted to spend some time with me last night - so of course I said yes ….

🍹 ‘Bars Of The World’ - a series.


Why the Ferry is better


📸 I’ve got a bike - you can ride it if you like - it’s got a basket, a bell - it rings and things to make it look good.

What to? He idly wonders….