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Posts in: MyPodcasts

🔗 Palo Alto: A History of California, Capitalism and the World is a new book by Malcolm Harris.

He talks about it on this podcast 🎙️The Dark History Of Silicon Valley with Sean Illing.

Oh my!

🎛️ English Progressive Redux

🔗 Andrew Hickey’s ‘500 Songs’ includes a good and interesting summary of why the UK and US musicians who ‘arrived’ in the 60s sounded so different, emerging, he argues, from significant social differences and country histories.

What do you think?

🎵 More thoughts on what I call English Progressive

The Full Podcast: 🎙️ 500 Songs - ‘See Emily Play’ by The Pink Floyd

🎛️ That ‘Content’ word again.

You might have read my 🔗 many posts about ‘content’ .. and my singular objection to that word. Turns out I am not the only one. Will Arnett waxes lyrical about that exact issue on Smartless.

The Full Podcast: 🎙️ Smartless : Dana Carvey

🎵 Despite my initial resistance to the 500 song podcast narrated by 🔗 Andrew Hickey .. I am now moving into my third … first ‘The Monkees’, then ‘Love’, now ‘The Move’. The depth of information flying …

🎵 Over on @dave mentioned that back in the day he was a fan of The Monkees. Unashamedly - so was I. He linked to this show. It’s long. The narrator (that’s what he sounds like) - has a boring voice - but still an interesting listen.

Never heard of the 🎙️podcast - so had a look at other episodes. Just as long - and I suspect that the voice will be just as boring - BUT - some really interesting deep dives into some good songs and bands. I will be listening to this one - the band ‘Love’.

🎙️Martini Shot: Digital Absolution

It’s hard for Rob Long to go wrong in 10 minutes. He doesn’t.

Theme? Reorganizing life - like we all do!


“One of my Things actions is to add a new project to OmniFocus”

clearly reveals problems that I and many others have!

🎙️A Three parter from Freakonomics … drilling down into Adam Smith.

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

It was listening over the holidays as I travelled - so I had the time.

🎙️Ezra - Time is way weirder than you think - well worth a listen if you are into time.

🎙️ My Christmas Carol - by Rob Long

I like his podcast. I like his newsletter.

Merry Christmas.

I was delighted to be joined on the People First podcast by Ramsey Avery who is the Production Designer for the Amazon series - Lord of the Rings - Rings of Power.

Wonderful conversation that I know you will enjoy.