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Posts in: People First

To be strictly accurate - we should be talking about Blocking Trackers

... I came across this article (note if you are using an 'ad blocker' ... then guess what - they tell you that you have an …

I’m very much a Darwinian. This means I must ask myself questions like ‘How come all surviving cultures until modern time have been based on religion?’ and I draw the conclusion that religion has …

Celebrating my 4 part series on data, it is designed to be;

“Non-technical, hopefully fun, definitely not definitive and absolutely a work in progress.”

John Philpin

Because if you don’t …

[caption id=“attachment_5443” align=“aligncenter” width=“1280”]thevogues Nobody told The Vogues to retire.[/caption]

Up every morning just to keep a job,

I gotta fight my …

Sadly, this wasn’t what I thought this was going to be about.

A Study of More Than 250 Platforms Reveals Why Most Fail

"Platforms have become one of the most important business models of the 21st …

Trading my time for the pay I get (up!)
Living on money that I ain't made yet (up!)
Gotta keep goin' gotta make my way (up!) 
But I live for the end of the day (up!)

The Vogues

Written in 1965 - and …

Strategies for Resistance. A visual documentary of subvertising, an essay against the ad-man.

Excuse the language - but that is the name of the book. The link takes you to their kick-starter. …

Ashton Applewhite - Let's End Ageism - A Ted Talk

ReleasedAugust 23, 2017

Lot's more to say on this, and will. Some of the …

“Look at gender. We used to think of it as a binary, male or female, and now we understand it's a spectrum. It is high time to ditch the old-young binary, too.”

Ashton Applewhite

Says it all …

Paul Krugman writing in the NYT today.

There was a message in the latest jobs report that is consistent with what these reports have been telling us for at least the past year or two. Namely, the …