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Posts in: Quote

Popular phrases in my world …

I play the guitar - I am not a guitarist


I write - I am not a writer

… so I read Manu’s 🔗 new post with interest.

I am not a speaker and chances are you’re not one either. And yet you’re probably speaking with other people constantly in your life without giving it a second thought.

đź’¬ Manuel Moreale


đź”— On the state of the web

I don’t know what’s going to come out of this moment but I do hope more people realize that human connections are still available out there. You can still set up your tiny quiet corner on the web, do your own things, and connect slowly with other people. You can still set up a forum dedicated to something you’re passionate about and create a community with 50 other people, even if Reddit turns to shit. Things can live on the web simply because enough people care about them and pour time and love into them. And that is what makes the web special.

đź’¬ Manuel Moreale

Reminded me very much of What Is The Small Web

đź”— They Lied About Afghanistan. They Lied About Iraq. And They Are Lying About Ukraine.

Wasn’t the Russian military — because of poor morale, poor generalship, outdated weapons, desertions, a lack of ammunition that supposedly forced soldiers to fight with shovels, and severe supply shortages — supposed to collapse months ago? Wasn’t Putin supposed to be driven from power? Weren’t the sanctions supposed to plunge the ruble into a death spiral? Wasn’t the severing of the Russian banking system from SWIFT, the international money transfer system, supposed to cripple the Russian economy.

đź’¬ Chris Hedges

Somewhere on this blog there is a link that connects to this.

“Robert F Kennedy Jr is a flake of Cadbury proportions.”

đź’¬ John Naughton

I'll tell you what I want.
What I really, really want

… my news readers to understand that I do not want the same news from so many sources over and over again. And yes, I have heard of Feedly.


If at first you don’t succeed ….

đź”— The Final Triumph of Cormac McCarthy (1933-2023)

Cormac McCarthy’s first 5 novels were totally ignored. . . . Even Blood Merdian—now widely considered a modern classic of American fiction—got remaindered after only selling 1,883 copies.

đź’¬ Ted Gioia

Over on The Grauniad

In a world in which the creator of the Oculus headset claims to have invented a new virtual reality system – called NerveGear – that kills players for real when they are bumped off in a game, it is clear that Black Mirror has its work increasingly cut out.

đź’¬ Lucy Mangan
