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“I do remember this security guy saying something nice about Corden until I grimaced, said I’d met him once at a work thing and within half a second wished I hadn’t. Boom. All professional politeness was gone and the guard vented about that man. ()I think I saved him a therapy session.)

💬 William Gallagher

I have no idea if there is any truth in what I read about ‘our James’ and how his soft cuddly exterior does not reflect his true self. But I read it more and more - and Gallagher is not in the ‘rumour mill’ business.

Shame really. There I was thinking you can be nice and ‘make it’.

“That premium in turn has allowed the company to keep selling fresh stock, which allows it to keep paying out dividends, and on it goes, a self-licking ice cream cone that works until the stock price falls, which it now has.”

💬 Liz Hoffman, Semaphor

“self-licking ice cream cone” … aaah the visual.

Anyone else worried that this is even a question? Or that it needs to be asked?

Anyway, I don’t have an answer about lemon origins except to say that they are at least as real as babies, and if they …

Shutterstock is buying Giphy from Meta Platforms and will pay $53 million in net cash for the company. Meta initially bought Giphy for $400 million in 2020.

💬 Jessica Lessin - The Information

One of the few exceptions I see is Apple, which continues to place ads on Twitter.

💬 John Gruber

I spend about a nano second every fortnight on Twitter … it used to be more … interestingly I have never seen an Apple ad there.

“There is no longer a path towards creating a sustainable business in consumer search,” a combination of the difficult economic environment as well as the challenge that Neeva had found in persuading people to sign up for its search engine. “From the unnecessary friction required to change default search settings, to the challenges in helping people understand the difference between a search engine and a browser, acquiring users has been really hard.”

💬 Sridhar Ramaswamy and Vivek Raghunathan

The Headline:

Neeva Shuts Down Search Engine Ahead of Snowflake Deal

The report is so dry it makes the Sahara look like a rainforest.

💬 Martin Peers


“Google has this backwards. They should force all their engineers to use Chromebooks, and let everyone else continue using MacBooks. Maybe then they’ll turn ChromeOS into something useable for real work.”

💬 John Gruber

“I think you should know in what surroundings you do your best work and solve for that.”

💬 David Sparks


Words In The Wild - v1


Words In The Wild - v2