I need to understand what this means. It’s from an essay that I tried to read, which lead me to the conclusion that I am definitely not the target reader, which might explain why this seems to be the absolute opposite of my understanding of even ‘why’ an ecosystem.
I will try to 🚧 revisit.
We live in a world where everything is Alternative .. and so nothing is.
Not seen much comment about this (but then I don’t always read the right things).
Sadly I won’t be experiencing it any time soon.
1] Serious props to @gruber and team
2] If Apple doesn’t know - I feel they should work it out … quickly.
Stopping now - 🔗 📼 to watch the 2D version.
💬 A Couple O’ Crackers that resurfaced today …
💬 .. just a reminder. Not the first time I have posted this.
I’ll come back to this later. Lefsetz has already connected some dots .. but he didn’t go on and introduce the lurking ‘hobby’ that ‘solves this’ and is a clear and present danger to the entertainment industry if they continue to focus on BAU.
The last paragraph.
💬 They just accumulate and then you purge saving a few that aren’t particularly the best but do very much resonate at that moment in time.
💬 About that IndieWeb thingy …