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We will work with third-party organizations on how to better understand and to promote news literacy both on and off our platform to help people in our community have the information they …

Whichever way you look at it - same face.

Status Quo is Your Biggest Competitor

... so being an old fart - I clicked through. No. Not THAT Status Quo.

People ... I'm talking to YOU Barbara - should be more careful with their headlines. 

I thought for a minute that the boys had moved into business consulting.


The one thing I do know? Honest mistake. I know Barbara. It wasn't meant to be 'click bait'.

Great Article.

The paper tried to rise above all this, but it made a new rule: If you sack a compositor, get him off the premises immediately.

Which Paper?  The London Times

When?  1882

Why?  Well, it …

The saddest part of this :

Third of Republicans Think Trump Won Popular Vote

... is that I am not surprised.

I wrote this yesterday ... and then it got me to thinking ...

Theranos - this just the latest legal action


Magic Leap

The General Malaise

Hampton Creek


... and now Facebook's Oculus

But no worries - all is good and upright in the world of Tech.

What Grande does need is a reality check. Sorry, honey but you can’t base a career on selling sex and then get angry when your horny fans treat you like a sex object.

I agree mainly with a lot of thisbut not;

The truth is that Ms.Grande is actually astonishingly talented as a singer and an actress.

There are nay-sayers out there letting us know that there is nothing to worry about. Then again - they are the same nay savers that have said before there was nothing to worry about - you know like …

I love how Podcasts are really emerging as a story-telling vehicle. Of course Serial is the famous one ... but don’t for one minute think it is the only one.

Take this wonderful series from Hawaii's …

So my tributary feeds my river.

And my river feeds my estuary.

But not always.

I wonder .... as @davewiner says 'still diggin'