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Other GuestBooks

🖇️ My Guest Book - but there are a lot more.

So far I have signed these Guestbooks - and as I discover more, I will sign them and list them here.

🖇️ Just for kicks, I also have a Guestbook specific blogroll.. As I sign your guest book, I will add you to my NetNewswire and from time to time the epxorted OPML will get updated an dplaneted on that page.

LMK if you have one that I can sign for you. It will be done. It will be added.

Sara Joy’s Guestbook
Geoff Graham’s Guestbook Guestbook
Steve’s Guestbook
Ben LaCroix’s Guestbook
Devastatia’s Guestbook
Joe Crawford’s Guestbook
Kev Quirk’s Guestbook
Amit Merchant’s Guestbook
Rebecca Toh’s Guestbook
Barry Hess’s Guestbook
Parimal Satyal’s Guestbook

BTW - if I find a source of lists I will also add here. Most of the ones above came to me via Manuel Moreale - who is also maintaining a list 🔗HERE.

No point replicating what he is doing - so I won’t - so be sure to double check his page.