Stacked Menu with Dropdown


@lzbth 'gone' is a bit 'strong' 😉 more engagement reduction and using the unleashed time in different ways. thank you.

@val (from their web site)

Founded in 1932 ... There are now over 13,900 SPAR branded stores in over 48 countries on four continents, meeting the needs of over 14.7 million consumers every day.

personally I would replace 'consumers' with 'people' - but other than that ... #solid.

@manton and only another 40 episodes and you could have got a solid conspiracy theory going. Nicely done.

@combatdavey if I HAD to - well - I'd probably rebel. But since I don’t have to - I would play around with doing something around Structured Visual Thinking.

@rom well they seem to up for acquiring a new king a whole lot faster than losing their old one.