@richnewman Jax shared it with me today. I tend not to be a poetry person .. but it definitely hit me. Glad it worked for you.
And then there is this 🔗 brief summary of Donald Trump's plan for America - courtesy Kevin Drum
@the Thankyou for that ..
@bradenslen velveeta lives in abundance
@jsonbecker interesting. I have been in an out of Arc for what seems like years .. and never threw my lot in until a couple of weeks ago .. thanks to a @manton post I read … and love it … although there are definitely frustrations.
Overall though .. yup .. who cares .. people on the whole don’t live in browsers …
Which might explain Arc’s latest tease …. their next product is likely not a browser … which is odd .. given that Arc comes from a company called ‘The Browser Company’.
.. to this untrained eye and a quick dip .. some nice explanations .. hope he moves on to ‘CSS FOR PEOPLE’ soon.
@manton welcome to the 'slow shipping' movement
@bucky when she wins she should cancel every contract with the douche bros - you know who I'm talking about.
Thankyou both - for now, trying out ICRO - again ( though in fairness was a long time ago. )