Stacked Menu with Dropdown


@numericcitizen just watched your video - and get your logic that Tasks is a special case of what 'we' really want - databases. Have to say, my preferences are for improving the text and doc stuff we already have - and still needs work before doing something that (say) Airtable can already do.

At a loss why we keep trying to move apps to do everything and repeating functionality - rather than say allow you to display an Airtable in your Craft doc?

It's like people keep asking for images in Drafts ... no. 😀

@chrisaldrich really interesting - Google pulled up those words around 40 times - and nothing 'before' the 17th of this month ... I even thought I found one on Haeretz - but it was a comment.

I pulled mine from Substack ... just messaged the writer to ask where he got it from - his newsletter pre dates (19th) most of the social references.

I will try to get to more on this some other time, just to say a couple of more things.

I know a lot about this after watching one of my friends being caught up in this American scam, chose not to fight - and was sentenced to over two years. TWO years is one thing - but career destroyed, friends lost, house lost and family broken. Not only that but if you are UK software exec try working for any company without going to the USA. Want to go to the USA with a rap sheet? Try that.

Here’s the thing - another case you might not have heard too much about - but back in the day Bliar signed into law an extradition exchange with the USA ostensibly around terrorism. The US never signed their half. Which means that the American DOJ has more power to take a UK citizen into custody and extradite the to the US than even the British Police!

Not only that - they don’t even have to tell you why!

Side Note ... The extradition law is used far more to extradite business people than terrorists.

So when you next hear about the poor US software companies having such a hard time with those nasty European Bureaucrats stopping them from selling their shit spy software in Europe - maybe spare a thought for PEOPLE, whose lives are destroyed by a Judicial system that is out of control.

Yes I am riled up.

@7robots I love Craft and haven't watched the @numericcitizen video - but what I saw elsewhere was essentially adding task management - I sure hope there is more ... my top 3 have zippo to do with extending functionality in that direction and all about improving the design/word processing aspects of the platform.

1) Ability to have text in columns.

2) Ability to have the concept of a standard text block, and let me point to that from a doc. So if I change the source block - the block in the doc changes.

3) More flexibility of images and text working together.

Bonus request - don’t tie me into your premium world to access AI - let me integrate my own choice of AI that I already am using.