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@Munish I will protect the innocent .. and the guilty .. no need to share the offenders .. if you know who they are then I don’t need to share and if you don’t know who they are .. you can just thank me for saving you time … that said …famous people are different.

More on 🖇️ Sarah Wilkinson

A worrying sign of Britain's deepening authoritarianism | Morning Star

.. yes - consider the source - BUT - I have read this story on a few places now - including a local Shropshire website / newspaper - but NOTHING - absolutely NOTHING from ANY mainstream newspaper..

Why do you think that is?​

Oh and then ...

Police drop bail conditions on Sarah Wilkinson after public outcry - but again ... how do the public know to 'outcry' if it isn't being reported anywhere substantial.

They have also apparently not returned her stuff. So whats that about?

Any jourmaists have an opinion?

@pratik Micro Blog is - IMHO - the least community like community of any space i belong to for the various reasons - and I am ok with that - because that’s not why I am here. Said it before said it again - the value for me is that it aggregates all things 'John' AND syndicates to all things 'John'. Everything else is icing. MicroBlog has a long way to go to make a real community and design decisions being made suggests that 'community' isn't what is being built.

@anniegreens he was the best - 3 series and gone except a couple of guest parts .. there’s always someone in that role tho lately Frodo is assuming more and more of the everywhere role - but there is another .. but none as good .. to me a lot to do with that quiet non assuming accent.

@anniegreens wash your mouth out 😊 ... Have you ever noticed every time he heads over to talk to the corpse - he pats the car. There is a clear rhythm in his process.