@stupendousman well it is fact isn’t it? That’s how it works. Now why it’s like that .. I’m all ears.
@SimonWoods Oh - good spot. So that clears up that mystery. Still think a new icon is in order.
@pratik trying to decide if I care enough.. more an observation. But thanks for the heads up.
This just in from a friend who is not a land lubber like myself ..
The boats are huddled in the corner because the wind is meant to swing around to the east.
I knew it was going to be weather oriented, and I do see huddles in the bay from time to time - but on the other side - this side seemed unusual.
See what I mean?
And curious that although Sunlit is listed under Micro.blog LLC …
… click through and it’s not there?
Maybe I am missing something?
@news on which note .. maybe time to update the sunlit game and logo so it is clearly seen as part of the family?
@odd Marc Benioff - Salesforce
@odd its prolly available as an on demand purchase
@JoshNicholas I have been in and out of New Zealand as a resident for 5 years - and only just realized today that the three prongs used here are 'upside down' . at least from the perspective of the UK - and looking at the chart of @odd ... other than UK - all other three prongs are that way - and yet - to solve for the problem of which you speak - one at top, two at bottom is surely the most stable ... Filed in the bucket of #ThingsYouDontThinkAboutUntilYouDo.
@MitchW ... and there I was thinking there was a science that I might borrow.
Where's that drawing board?