Stacked Menu with Dropdown


@bradenslen Thankyou for at least scrolling to the bottom .. definitely wouldn’t judge you if you didn’t actually read it 🤩


i know how many posts I post I know how many replies I make to others

BUT IF I could work out how many of my posts got a reply - of any kind - be it one smiley versus a 100 comment stream of esaays - I could then compare to MastoThreadsBlueSky and more accurately get a feel of where I get engagement.

I do agree with @MitchWagner - i FEEL I get replies and stuff more over there than here - but

1) who cares - other than intellectual interest - kinda like my MB follow number 2) mb isn't first and foremost a forum/replies driven platform .. it is a blogging platform

Reminds me of the complaints you hear about bad airline food - worse than the worst restaurant.

Aaah yes - but try going to even the best restaurant and ask them to take you to another country while you are dining there.

@writingslowly I would agree @martinfeld and @manuelmoreale do a great job - highly recommend both - in my feeds as they are. The slight (big?) difference with the Micro Monday podcast is that it allowed each member of this specific community to be given the mic for 15 minutes - so everyone else could listen in - at their convenience and learn more about another person in the community.

There are ways that the podcast could morph since certainly in the early days it was more about 'hello joe - tell us about yourself and a bit of history ad ALWAYS ... 'how find microblog', 'what like about microblog' ..

We all learned about each other together.

@mandaris "baby eating" ... clearly this show has gone a long way (back?) since the days of William H.


... why would you need a Shopify Dev Person I hear you ask - surely - 'anyone' can build a Shopify site?

Indeed they can - all it takes is time ... which in this case isn't as available as money to pay someone to do it is.

Anyway if you are that person - or who knows that person - I would love to connect - and in turn put you/them in contact with the person that needs the help.

LMK - or email me ...

Thank you.