Stacked Menu with Dropdown


@pratik it is isn't it ... i presume that is a Greenworks Power Washer? Color looks too dark for Ryobi.

@larand don’t know Canadian Politics - so not sure what those two parties were about before the merger - in the UK we have had mergers before eg;

SDP - founded in the early eighties by disgruntled laborites never got traction and merged with the liberals before the end of that decade - since then the two of them together have barely had any impact.

To me Farage is not normal so if those Tories who think he is great should wander off and join him - they don’t need to take the whole party - that is as self destructuve as the rethuglicans in the US who have allowed their version of farage to take them over.

@pratik because you keep everything in the same place so you don't have to hunt for it - and if you decided that the place was 'the cupboard' - then the freezer stuff would thaw out. #Efficiencies .. 10/10 for thinking ahead.

@martinfeld whoa .. THAT was a reply? 🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️ … “we are not worthy” … “we are not worthy” … “we are not worthy” … “we are not worthy” …

@douglas got it - i knew automattic had a beeper like thang - hadn't got that it was texts - thank you.