Stacked Menu with Dropdown


Those dashes in the category names are actually emojis - so clearly you can use emojis as a category - but they arent recognized on my site. Not sure if this relates to other emoji rendering issues I have had.

Is it me? OR

My site? OR

Micro Blog?

@odd apparently having a 'woke' head is no longer a good thing - word on the street!

@ronkjeffries of course.

Paging anyone who wishes to 🖇️ add their feed here - LMK its URL - and it shall be done.

(Side note - when I started this - I was thinking of importing all the different blog rolls - but of course, not the same thing. At All.

This collection is entirely made up of the feeds of uniquely specific and special Micro Bloggers.

@jsonbecker with you .. tho I do like lyrics in isolation of music .. that sometimes have a poetry overlap - but not beccesarily

@manton sorry - different point - comedy already under threat because people are worried about how their words can be taken .. and some of that is moving into law … however scarlet and Sam end up - there will eventually be a law about impersonation of looks and voice in AI .. but how the law is read once implemented will be the question .. not ok to make fun of trump using AI .. why is it ok for a human ( just spit ballin devils advocate here )