Stacked Menu with Dropdown

Posts in: Help

The phrase “Lorem ipsum” is a jumbled Latin phrase that cannot be translated into English.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius sollicitudin consequat. Etiam cursus blandit nisl accumsan fermentum. Phasellus faucibus velit non porttitor tincidunt. Ut quis erat ac nibh auctor tempus. Sed a metus sed dui pulvinar dapibus pulvinar et nisl. Sed consectetur, magna sit amet vestibulum dapibus, augue orci dignissim nulla, nec interdum ligula nibh at dui. In in dolor sit amet urna tempor pulvinar. In ut odio et ligula faucibus placerat. Proin pulvinar ex et sagittis molestie. Vestibulum dignissim faucibus diam, quis lacinia lacus mollis et. In fermentum ex quis consectetur semper. Nullam ut metus quam. Suspendisse potenti.

Just to say after writing that last post I suddenly realized that Reminders has become my Task Manager of choice.

For years it’s been Things … which still lurks .. but Reminders has always been there because ‘family sharing’ .. and then a few weeks ago I asked Siri to remind me to buy something and Siri dropped it into Reminders - not Notes where the shared shopping lists live … I know I know … sorry … because ‘sharing’.

Not only that .. but turns out ‘Shopping’ has a whole auto categorizing thing going on that I had somehow missed … so I moved my quick lists in there and before you know it - other stuff.

It has come a long way since I last used it with vengeance .. not deleting Things yet though.

Two wishes for WWDC

  • however they are doing the shopping thing - let me set up other lists to allow similar categorization
  • Introduce time boxing and necessarily tighter calendar integration.

The post 🔗 Slashes by Manu got me to thinking …


takes you to ‘contact’ - but by using a ‘redirect’ and the actual URL is more like


… is it still a slash page?

Asking for a friend.

Just updated my 🔗 Using ‘page’ .. no longer just personal usage - now added business.

SlashPages are here.

I’d already playing with them without knowing the name. I was nearly ‘done’ and then Pratik shared this. Menu item added.

Hat Tips to @rknightuk @bjhess @sivers @alastairjohnston @manuelmoreale @goblingumbo @pratik @simonwoods - you have each inspired me on this one.

I tried the Spark introductory Premium offer last year - and while some things are interesting and cool - at a renewal of 60 bucks … yeah - not that interesting and cool … and then I just spotted that they seem to be in the SetApp store.


If Craft is the Word/Doc online equivalent to what Google Docs had the opportunity to be.

And Airtable is the Excel/Numbers online equivalent to what Google Sheets had the opportunity to be.


What is the Powerpoint/Keynote online equivalent to what Google Slides had the opportunity to be?

Figma, Miro and Canva don’t seem to be it?

German Language Podcast.
In 🍎 Podcasts - you can see the German language transcription.
BUT - you can’t copy the whole thing.
Looks like you can.
But you can’t.

I use software to record …

🎈133/366 Seriously people .. this straight quotes and curly quotes difference needs to be fixed. Am I the only one that gets messed up .. regularly.

🎈131/366 I know this has been raised on the past - and the answer is generally way above my pay grade, but thought I would ask again in case there have been any break throughs.

Is there a relatively easy way to add a ‘nested menu’ / drop down item/menu on to the ‘normal’ Micro.Blog menu?