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Posts in: Long Form

Two writers - well … write …

🔗 Ezra Klein and 🔗 Venkatesh Rao providing their take on what all this twitter stuff means. They seem to agree on the short term effect …

Venkatesh …

Apparently - absolutely everything, (with apologies to Edwin Star). That said, a really GREAT series of articles by Venkatesh Rao on ‘Lore’ The Index To The Series

This is Part 7 of 7 : 🔗 Towards …

… did you know this was going on in your own backyard?

“In the back room of an old and greying building in the northernmost region of New Zealand, one of the most advanced computers for artificial intelligence is helping to redefine the technology’s future.”

🔗 A new vision of artificial intelligence for the people

… as reported by MIT.

I never made the switch from photography to illustrations on my web properties, but I do very much remember when Unsplash seemed to suddenly be the ‘defacto choice’ for photography on many …

Spotted here.


Thinking Allowed

This is a People First post that was originally on the People First domain. It has been moved here as part of my domain consolidation program. It’s a steady and slow WIP as I check each entry, so do please bear with me.

Really happy to report that the redesign here at People First is done. More to come, but first spending a little time cleaning up some a lot of the older posts.

You know in 🔗 Coco there is this idea that you need to be remembered to continue to live in the land of the dead?

I don’t think I am dead - but can anyone out there confirm?

Asking - because on …

I wanted to share this because for me it truly resonated with the message we often hear in these modern times which is to “Follow Your Passion.”

The importance of the letter is (as is so …

Just after stumbling 🔗 across this

I found this

🔗 Former tech billionaire’s Marin County mansion, once listed for $23 million, drops to $9 million after foreclosure

What tech billionaire was that …

🔗 12 Different Ways for Companies to Innovate

It dates back to 2006 - and no need to read it, because in the opening paragraph they highlighted three US business leaders that we needed to pay …