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Posts in: MB 2020 05

A Confederacy of Dunces … John Kennedy Toole


A Confederacy of Dunces ... John Kennedy Toole

How could I resist adding a never to be repeated bolt of excellence that came from ‘nowhere’. Smallcreep’s Day was the other choice.

On The Map

7 of 7 for 📚#mbmay The Series

How It All Started

Waterland … Graham Swift


Waterland ... Graham Swift

It’s hard to choose which Swift. But I did it.

On The Map

6 of 7 for 📚#mbmay The Series

How It All Started

The Gormenghast Trilogy … Mervyn Peake


The Gormenghast Trilogy ... Mervyn Peake

If you are one of those people that enjoy the sagas of Tolkien/Lewis/Davies … look no further for your next one.

On The Map

5 of 7 for 📚#mbmay The Series

How It All Started

The Constant Gardener … John le Carré


The Constant Gardener ... John le Carré

So much more than the cold war spy stories that he is known for. Explore this one - the attention to detail and story telling just as exciting, but a radically different backdrop.

On The Map

4 of 7 for 📚#mbmay The Series

How It All Started

Until I Find You … John Irving


Until I Find You ... John Irving

Yes - it’s a John Irving novel, so bears and wrestling feature in this sprawling narrative that spans the globe and of course, a lifetime.

On The Map

3 of 7 for 📚#mbmay The Series

How It All Started

Grapes of Wrath … John Steinbeck


Grapes of Wrath ... John Steinbeck

… or should I have chosen East of Eden? Probably - but Grapes of Wrath is a perfect choice for these times.

On The Map

2 of 7 for 📚#mbmay The Series

How It All Started

Daniel Martin … John Fowles


Daniel Martin ... John Fowles

Top of any book list in my book(sic), Fowles has been my number one ‘go to’ author since I discovered The Magus.

On The Map

1 of 7 for 📚#mbmay The Whole Series

How It All Started