Posts in: MyBooks

Finished: Troubled Blood (Cormoran Strike, #5) by Robert Galbraith 📚

‘FINALLY’ … It might seem like one book - in fact it is bound like one - but when you hit quad pages - someone should call an editor.

Adding Becoming Steve Jobs: The Evolution of a Reckless Upstart into a Visionary Leader by Brent Schlender 📚 to my reading list. An unofficial biography lauded by the Apple leadership … comp to the Isaacson story is needed.

📚 Email Marketing Rules by Chad White features in my next newsletter, the link takes you to where you can buy it. I have used the cover from the original book. It is now on the third edition.

Just added Internet for the People by Ben Tarnoff 📚to my reading list.

Right up my street.

I subscribe to lots of 🎙podcasts knowing there is not enough time to listen to them all (even at ‘warp speed’) because I find interesting guests that aren’t doing the usual ‘publicity rounds’.

Just this morning;

📚William Gallagher on Scrivener

🎶Adrian Belew on Marc Maron

Cannot wait to get my hands on Fairness and Freedom by David Hackett Fischer 📚… I had never thought of that distinction before.

In the last 📚Reader’s Republic, I said England (not the UK) suffers from many things, not least of which is an identity crisis.

I just stumbled across this.

Tolkien’s Writings Were a Mythology for the History of England

(Yes I need to get the RR notes published, sorry!)


Is that too many books to be reading ‘at once’?

Saving grace:

I am well aware that I haven’t even opened at least four of them since I first put this list up!

And another four got added today and I haven’t opened them either. They are just ‘looking at me’.

Just added Stakeholder Capitalism by Klaus Schwab 📚 to my reading list. It has been in my head for a while - but now it is on the list!

I am thoroughly enjoying Severance, even though they spell ‘Keir’ ‘Kier’.

I’m at the part in the series where I am sensing the channeling of aspects of Peter Currell Brown‘s 📚Smallcreep’s Day.

Anyone else get the connection?