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Posts in: MyFilmReviews

Just a great one, that I saw in the theaters when it came out and logging it now .. 5 years later. Has it stood the test of time? No idea, have a watch and you decide.

Good cast, gritty and wrestles with that eternal question that the world still faces today … even more so … how do you fix the problem of really bad guys by being good guys that don’t break the law.

You don't often actually see a nuclear bomb go off in these kinds of movies - aren't they meant to be stopped with 2 seconds to go? It's a Reacher story with plenty of time during in to try to count …

I know I’ve watched the first two at some point - but for the life of me - gonna have to revisit (maybe). Good story - and it’s Denzel … a solid action movie.

The reduction of the bloated explosions continues in the Marvel Universe - and from my perspective - that is good.
Plus Ryan and Hugh.
Plus ‘Wick like’ choreography and it’s not that they are breaking the 4th wall - it’s more ‘what wall’?
Oh - and it’s Deadpool.
Big Fan.

When I first heard about Anora I looked it up and put it in the category of ‘no’ .. not even ‘yeah .. no’ .. just definitely .. NO. Despite this, I found myself watching it last night as part of a …

It’s marinated since I saw it last week. I had heard that it was a ‘back to basics’ take .. ie a movie sans gratuitous explosions - planets being destroyed and using portals to jump through to …

I just spotted that Giancarlo Esposito was in this - and I decided that I should add a review - because it was ... is ... so good.

It started well … it went on fine .. until the last 15 minutes. Queued up for a sequel .. but I don’t think so.

I went because some friends recommended it. What a pile of drivel.