Posts in: MyFilmReviews

Generally like a nice Wahlberg movie .. no exception .. in fact one of his better ones. It’s a formula .. sure .. aren’t they all? But overall .. YES.

It was alright. I try out Gal Godot outings from me to time because I clearly am missing something. Whatever it is I continue to miss it!

Lovely. One for the ’keeper’ department.

Watched on Saturday December 9, 2023.

No. Just no. I watched it all the way through .. Just for you. NO!

Yes it’s Wes Anderson, so you kinda know what you are going to get … except you don’t. To me seemed a lot more intricate than his precious outings.

Not sure I can add anything more to reviews than you already know, other than I didn’t see it in IMAX, I wish I had.

Not as long as I thought
I had low expectations after reading reviews - so much better than I thought
Joaquin was as good as ever
I barely recognised Rupert Everett

In all honesty, I went to see it in …

Lovely .. and one of those ‘little’ films … and Bill Nye … c’mon .. why are you still here?

I know most of the story, but like to cross check that knowledge with what the film delivers, new stuff, look into … blah blah blah ..ok I generally like these kinds of movies … royal epics aside .. …