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Friend 1: Do not watch ‘🔗 🎬 Leave The World Behind’.

Friend 2 : I’ll watch it - I like to make my own mind up, not just listen to what others think.

Me : Cool - have you seen Barbie?

Friend 2 : Oh no. I don’t like the messaging behind that one.

Me : Messaging? What about making ….. oh never mind.

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Over the break, I had the fortune (not committing to whether that’s good or bad, since that is a whole different story) to visit Martinborough in the …

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It was the first year in a long time that I have been intellectually stimulated to the point where I woke up in the middle of the night, making notes in my offline journal. The dots seem to connect, and there are more questions than answers in my mind.

Interesting to read 🔗 this from Om. I definitely did not feel that all of last year, but definitely in the past couple of months, something in me has been coming …

Every time I read 🔗 A Camera Not An Engine by Venkatesh Rao I found myself highlighting more and more - so that it was very nearly all highlight! So - I cut some back and have published to my Readwise. Next job if I get round to it .. annotations.

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Is there planning in strategy?

In one of my work programmes there is an ongoing debate around planning and strategy .. one of the team going as far as to suggest that ‘strategic planning’ is an …


New Zealand’s Stonehenge

There’s a 🔗 Stonehenge in New Zealand.

Spent a lovely afternoon there today.

If you have interest its 🔗 three words are ‘enable.improves.preperations’.

The Three Words To Find Stonehenge

straight line

At the beginning of the year I …

Staying Stoic

That’s All Folk

.. and so a new year begins and the Daily Stoic … as a publishing event … ends.

A variation on a theme will be forthcoming .. inspired by this thought from a Daily Stoic entry on 🖇️ December 22nd

Ralph Waldo Emerson complained how writers dance around a difficult topic by relying on quotes. “I hate quotation,” he wrote. “Tell me what you know.

Meanwhile …

Happy New Year

Happy New Year From Auckland

🔗 Copyright

🔗 This is a big vision

Dems and Repubs have a lot more in common than we might think.

In US politics … the two prime parties are symbolized by a 🔗 Donkey and Elephant.

The curious thing is that 🔗 Thomas Nast created both the original satirical cartoons.

  • Same guy.
  • Drew cartoons that dinged both parties.
  • Both parties adopted their own cartoon …

These days they’d sue him!

Fuck TikTok.
Fuck Russell Brand.
🔗 TikTok users including Russell Brand given special status, messages show.