Cathedrals are places designed to show their creator’s opulence and power, but they’re also designed to alter our senses, to throw us into alternate worlds, so that they can open us our minds to change. If that’s the case, what will these places be in the 21st century?

Good question that was running through my mind when I stumble across this quote …

“In the day-to-day trenches of adult life, there is no such thing as atheism. There is no such thing as not worshipping. Everybody worships. The only choice we get is what to worship.”

💬 David Foster Wallace

Worlds Colliding. The piece I was reading was 🔗 Cathedrals of the 21st Century from Unchartered Territories, that ends …

You can see similar processes at play today in places like courtrooms or parliaments, albeit more subdued: They are big, solemn, sound is controlled and there are ceremonies, serious uniforms…

… and then immediately …

But you can also apply the same principles and end up with a completely different setting and experience: nightclubs.

If that observation makes you sit up you should go read the whole thing. Also, some great images throughout as you read Tomas Pueyo’s observations across geography and time.