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Posts in: MyMusic

🪦 RIP John Marshall (1941-2023). A tribute by Theo Travis.

A sad loss to the 🎵industry.

(Originally shared by @artkavanagh on Substack)

New material emerging from Steven Wilson. All links below are Songwhip, so listen via your app of choice. Listed in personal preference of the music.

🎵🔗 Impossible Tightrope

🎵🔗 Rock Bottom with Ninet Tayeb

🎵🔗 Economies of Scale … wonderful video, so click on the YouTube link.

🎵 Background music playing. I know it. I know it . Not placing it. 60s? 70s? I know I know I know it. Give up. Shazam. Three times … can’t find it. But McLaughlin I think … McLaughlin. Soundhound craps out. Jax asks attendant. He doesn’t know, pulls out Shazam. I walk over. Cracked it I said ………

‘John McLaughlin’, ‘Mahavishnu Orchestra’, ‘You Know’ … from ‘Inner Mountain Flame’.

He looked at be blankly? Quizzically? As if I was speaking in tongues.

I am guessing his parents weren’t born when it came out.

“That’s it” … he replied.

“But how come your Shazam works and mine doesn’t?” … I asked

“I have a secret speaker”" he replied “up there - away from the background noise.”

I might have known the song. He clearly knows the hidden tech of the store.

🎵 Songwhip

📸 230911 🖇️ #MBSept

Released in 2011, 🔗🎵 The Floyd Retrospective is itself old enough to be a retrospective, but in any case, this footage is not part of it, because it has just been rediscovered.

Looks like Carlos has a side gig 😂🎵

🔗 Former Trump White House adviser found guilty of contempt of Congress.

… dum dum dum, and

🎵 📼 Another one bites the dust.

If you are reading this post on my site, the inline video gives an error. Click on the link above. The 'error' is only because the creator wants you to got to YouTube to watch it.


Jax; ‘What’s that song? You know ‘Dada da da … Sally?

🎵 You mean this one?

No no .. you know … da da Sally ..

🎵 This one?

No … harder …

🎵 Oh … this one?

Yeah that’s it.

What about it?

I really like it.

🎵 📼 Wilson’s new album out at the end of September and this is one of the tracks.

Not read much about Burning Man this year - except how it is no longer ‘hot’ (culturally speaking) - but in case you want to ‘sing along’ - 🔗 🎵 there’s a web site for that.

🎵An 80 year old is demonstrating more creativity and musical brilliance in rehashing a 50 year old classic than pretty much any ‘young gun’ on the music scene is managing without such creative constraints.