So it is out in wild and the reviews are in … and this is not another ‘one of those’.
‘My man’ Om 🔗 also posted about Vision Pro - he himself also highlighting that his post was not one of those. A big difference between us (as if there were just a few - there are not - there are many) is that he has actually tried one out! So there is that.
In his post he talked about 4 magic moments on day one of owning his new toy. This is the fourth on the list.
My last magic moment came when the Vision Pro became what I have always wanted — the future of television (and video.) A screen like none before. I opened up the Apple TV app, and picked an immersive video film of highliner Faith Dickey. I watched Dickey walk across a highline across the cliffs of Norway, but I felt as if I was there. It was so breathtaking — and in that moment, I thought maybe someday this is how all movies, televisions, and even home videos are going to be made for all to experience them live.
And it got me to thinking about that last sentence (that is my bold in the quote that you see).
Christopher Nolan famously produces movies for iMax first Sure, you can watch them in other spaces … but the real experience can only be found on iMax - and not any old iMax .. the best iMax.
Obvious question … how long before the first movie is made that is ’tuned’ for ‘Vision Pro first’?
To clarify … (‘this new movie’ will be to ‘Vision Pro’ as as ‘Oppenheimer’ is to ‘iMax’)
My predictions
1] ’Such a’ movie will be released in 2025. Maybe early 2026.
- (Confidence 70 to 80%)
2] It won’t be a GREAT movie - like Oppenheimer. The timeline for that? 2030.
- (Confidence 25% - 75% lots of variable in this one - because ‘Great’ is hard to calibrate AND also the demand needs to connect to there being sufficient headsets out there for the story of success to work.)
3] It will be financed by Apple.
- (Confidence 100%. Because it is totally in their interests and are already funding movies and can give the makers a LOT of help well beyond dollaroos.)
What do you think?