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Posts in: MyMusic

stick a fork in him, the motherfuckers done

… 🎵 Reminded me of this classic … enjoy.

I just read @colinwalker ’s 🔗 post re Ryuichi Sakamoto’s passing …

Sharing a 🎵 perfectly elegant beautiful piece of music that he wrote over 40 years ago.

Farewell Ryuichi and thankyou.

Me? I’m keeping it all in the 🎵 Family tonight.

Using just one album as an example of the mess that is Apple Music Meta Data ….

Friend of mine was telling me out 🎵 this event coming up soon in The Desert …

The prices are – well shall we say ‘higher than i might have expected’, but I guess they have to pay for LA Billboards somehow!

It’s been a while (over 3 years), but just now rebuilding my connected networks and home music system … and my Sonos is back online.

First test artist … 🎵 Aha.

God they were good!

The Theme Music for the Madam Blanc mysteries has firmly embedded itself into my brain and I love it. Still do. But who is the artist?

Turns out, a ‘duo’ called ‘Hague and White’. But the White might …

🎵 Can’t Find My Way Home … Winwood, Clapton .. oh - and Trucks.

A friend of mine down under shared with me … seemed a pertinent message at this point time … not to say it is just gorgeous.

I wrote an email this morning, responding to something that had been sent to me, announcing - and I paraphrase - that despite the longevity of the work that he had been personally driving for decades, …

A couple of revised posts on the blog.

🎛️ Will Arnett doesn’t like the word content either.

🎛️ Why my term ‘English Progressive’ might make sense in musical genres.

Opening up a new category on the blog that I call ‘snippets’.

More refinement might yet occur.