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Posts in: Quote

“If someone is trying to convince you it’s not a pyramid scheme, it’s a pyramid scheme.”

💬 Kevin Kelly


One in five US adults condone ‘justified’ political violence

“Most alarmingly, 7.1% (of Americans) said that they would be willing to kill a person to advance an important political goal.”

💬 UC Davis Survey

I had cause to check out Jerry’s Brain today and stumbled on this quote at the top of his site;

“Reopening is an opportunity. Trust is the lever.”

💬 Jerry Michalski

Why did I have cause?

Because I was writing this


Two-way RSS

“Such a site insists that I do all my writing on there. That’s a deal-stopper because I already have my best writing tool and I do all my serious writing in that tool. It’s as if a radio station insisted that I use their guitar to play music.”

💬 Dave Winer

“Nothing you create is ultimately your own, yet all of it is you. Your imagination, it seems to me, is mostly an accidental dance between collected memory and influence, and is not intrinsic to you, rather it is a construction that awaits spiritual ignition.”

💬 Nick Cave


“The original governmental draft was so bad that I thought that at least it couldn’t get worse …. I was wrong.

💬 Anonymous

Extracted from a private group - but I think it is applicable to many scenarios, in many countries.

“I want to make absolutely clear that there’s no place in this government for anybody who is predatory or who abuses their position of power.”

💬 Boris Johnson

Seriously BoJo? You should try a little self-examination!

The Future of the Metaverse – Imagining the Internet

“While the number of people occupying immersive virtual spaces may exceed half a billion by 2040, what we’ll have is a lot of meta but not yet much verse.

💬 Doc Searls

I had a theory years ago that Apple were going to disinter-mediate the carriers … and zilch.

How they do it … I don’t know … but it has to be on their radar.

“While Apple’s stated goals will be only iMessage and Find My, followed by IoT, in the longer run Cupertino plans to dis-intermediate the mobile carriers — becoming themselves a satellite-based global phone and data company. That will require shifting over additional Globalstar bandwidth plus launching another 300-600 satellites, so it is several years away but IS coming.”

💬 Robert Cringely

Apple’s Space Ambitions are Real