That day you walk into a coffee bar with a big beautiful Espresso Machine behind the cashier.
“A latte please.
“A latte”
Cross talk behind the scenes asking someone else if …
I logged on to ‘free up’ the situation - usually works - but no - please …
Back in the day when I was using Dave Winer’s 1999 - he used to have a class of user called ‘POETS’ … in his mind they were the ‘non tech’ crowd.
I see a lot of tech and non tech peeps on …
“With the 2018 primaries about to end, all but two of the 37 Republicans Mr. Trump has endorsed for House, Senate and governor during their primary campaigns have won. Mr. Trump has abandoned or …
A wannabe Mussolini and his party of apparatchiks( PAUL KRUGMAN ) has the full story.
On-demand gas startup Yoshi expands to 16 cities to end your pain at the pump … so now we are so lazy we can’t even be bothered to go gas up our own cars.
But what do we need them for anyway? …
""Sinclair isn't likely to learn the right lessons from the collapse of this merger," Frisch concluded. "They will be back.""The Full Story
‘Cory’ himself commenting on the Alex Jones stuff … nowhere connecting the ‘amplification’ aspect that @manton raised yesterday(?) … how do we move that thought into wider mainstream thinking?