@bradenslen I find that if i ‘literally’ throw a stick at my computer it is at risk of being damaged 🤓 but in the immortal words of ‘Charlie’ .. “I Understand”.
@billbennettnz she is clearly in need of a ‘Crumpets Anonymous’ hotline.
@bjhess wow .. brilliant use case for a guestbook actually connecting the online and offline world.
@adamprocter i think that is called taxes - and then actually paying them.
@pratik when that happens the tone of my 🪦 will be radically different to any other that I have ever 🖇️ written.
@billbennettnz a good crumpet can change the trajectory of any bad day.
@manton cool .. I am johnphilpin on Threads
@SimonWoods got it
Trying to unpack what the problem is with the @pratik post .. or was it mine? Both of us simply highlighting comparative issues .. and both concluding that one of these is not like the others.
What would you have preferred to see?
Or I have I just misunderstood?
@SimonWoods umm .. what mean?