@SimonWoods oh .. interesting .. Dave W often talks about how few feeds actually bother with the whole spec .. .. this is and example of what he means I guess.
@ryanbooker Thankyou .. had it bookmarked for checking this weekend .. and will, I think I am ok on the notch since I try to have the top line as small as possible .. there is one I found that said something about drop down in the menu bar .. might try that if I find it again.
@odd 🤯TIL that Gil made two made for TV movies that had Sherlock as the central character in 1976 …
@numericcitizen it’s all but a click away.
@numericcitizen TIL that @davemark is on MicroBlog ..
@numericcitizen micro blog - but my vote won’t be counted cos I don’t want to do this …
@mbkriegh HCR does seem to have hit a nerve on this one.
@ryanbooker Thankyou so much.
@film_girl @miraz I read that this morning .. it append to also be on setapp - so I posted into their FB group … 12 hours later my post hasn’t even been approved.