Wouldn’t it be cool if Ulysses supported publishing to micro.blog?
Wouldn’t it be cool if Ulysses supported publishing to micro.blog?
I would love that. I have put in multiple requests for that or more general micropub publishing, and “it’s on their list for the future” or whatever.
@Gabz maybe we should write jointly and throw weight behind the request
yes have put in a support email a long time ago they added to there list of requests I believe so email them I reckon
That is probably it. I bet there aren’t that many MicroPub users in their user base. If @manton made some kind of adapter that allowed you to publish to your hosted Micro.blog as if you were publishing to a self hosted WordPress site, that would make Ulysses-based publishing work. (I wouldn’t really want to ask him to do that, though.)
@mjdescy I've actually worked a little on that, but Ulysses makes some WordPress assumptions and compatibility in M.b would be a hack. Ulysses should add Micropub or MetaWeblog as a real publishing feature.
@manton That is interesting. Thanks for letting us know. I figured there was a good reason you didn’t have some kind of adapter for hosted blogs that mimics the WordPress API.
@mjdescy I may revisit it later, but I'd love for Ulysses to add official support for other blog platforms like Micro.blog. It's a much better long-term solution. (Thanks everyone for sending them feedback!)