Words fail me - all but one Tory voted the motion down.
Words fail me - all but one Tory voted the motion down.
The tweet has been deleted, or never existed. The record for PMQs on the official site has no record of it, though I don’t know if that includes motions passed/failed. I can’t find anything with the EDM search.
Either it’s disappointingly difficult to find a record of motions or this is literally fake news.
aha! I found it: <publications.parliament.uk>
If you look on the day and at the motion, you will see it is not as simple as the “news” article suggests. Unfortunately, you’ve been had by poor quality reporting in which the sensational headline is more valuable than the nuanced details of, you know, Parliamentary procedure.
Don’t get me wrong! This is not a defence of the MPs who voted no but it’s important that we understand what that vote actually meant and what came after, two details of this event that were not even alluded to in that article.
@simonwoods and i still can’t work out what they voted against .. moving on.
Good find! And even beyond the recorded vote, that page does a good job of highlighting the complexity of the voting event.
It’s a shame that Tom Rogers thinks what the country needs is an electorate that are under-served and mislead by the media.
Exactly! That’s not your job. So the media should help make that clear; instead, in this instance — and so many others — all that happens is muddying of the water by what I would decry as little more than tabloid nonsense.
@simonwoods Worth noting that Evolve Politics is what we’d categorise as hyperpartisan media - it’s a campaigning outfit, not a reporting outfit. It’s run by a young couple with no journalistic background.
@adders . Yeah, that’s what I was going to say. If you read the whole article, it seems the motion was to thank the workers and call for an independent inquiry into the handling of the floods. Worth a try, I suppose.
@adders If we could get that in a banner at the top of their website, that'd be grand. Same for all of the other propaganda operations.