January 4th.
Follow The Daily Stoic
If one really catches your eye, don’t forget to click on ‘the date’ below - there may be additional commentary.
January 4th.
Follow The Daily Stoic
If one really catches your eye, don’t forget to click on ‘the date’ below - there may be additional commentary.
Marcus Aurelius … “All you need are these; certainty of judgement in the present moment; action for the common good in the present moment and an action of gratitude in the present moment for anything that comes your way.”
I am reading these daily with my partner, Jax. At the end she commented that her takeaway was a very different conclusion … which in her words (were she to summarise) would be ‘Gratitude in the moment for that moment’.
She also said ‘Stoicism doesn’t always fill you with joy, energy and light.’ … which is definitely true! She sees ‘Stoicism’ as ‘hard’ and about ‘perseverance’.
She wants to see life as ‘Grateful abundance and being thankful … with joy … by living in the present moment.
Jax just wrote:
"We can't look at the past or at the future when we are in the present moment, so our opportunities to make good decisions must be made of what we know in that moment. The past brings experience which can be good or bad and make you fearful and the future can bring worries. If we make a choice or decisions based on what we have to hand without undue influence from either the past or present we can make clearer and better choices. It is not ignoring those things - it is just allowing yourself to be grateful and thankful and present in the moment."
"This then leads to a present moment of action for good. We move forward in the moment with that attitude of gratitude recognizing the abundance we have in the present moment and knowing that we can be thankful for it."
"It's not ignoring bad things that happen or emotions like grief, anxiety or fear but rather recognizing that they pass through and the moment is for being present thankful and knowing that abundance comes to all in a moment."
"It's a choice - a perspective of sunglasses and their tint at how you see the world in that moment. Breathe, feel it, and find gratitudes and joy. It will always be there. You can move, you can eat, you can breathe. See in whatever moment there is joy. to be found as hard as it seems at times."